Sunday, August 1, 2010

Be my friend

Don't judge me because I am different
I breathe the same air as you
My blood is as red as yours
I sleep under the same canopy of stars as you do
The same sun illuminates my day as does yours
A child in distress pains me as much as it pains you
The same tears that burn your eyes, burn mine too

So what if I want to walk off the map
So what if I want to blaze my own trial
maybe tomorrow it becomes a well beaten path

So what, if I want to question the status-quo
Is it so wrong to question? to wonder why not?
Maybe I find something unknown

So what if I want wings
So what if I want to fly away from my nest
I am not leaving for good,
besides its a different view from up there you know

So what if your right, is my left
atleast I can see you and hug you whenever I want
Its better being face to face
I can see your smile better
Its easier for me to wipe your tears

Don't lead me, I might not be going where you are
Don't follow me, I am not too sure where I am going
Give me your hand, take mine in yours. Hold tight
Just stand besides me, yes thats just perfect
Walk with me, be my friend

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