when all expectations crash
when you draw the short stick
when all allies desert and u feel the only one on earth
when hope seems to be mocking you & despair reigns supreme
when all seems lost & rock - bottom seems just a blow away
when confusion engulfs you and you are pushed against the wall
when darkness surrounds you
the time is right, the time is correct, the time is now...
to rise like the phoenix to pick up the pieces of ur broken life
to wake up the sleeping giant
to pull up ur socks and tighten ur shoe laces, for u r in for a long run
to show the world ur true colors
to open the windows and let the sun-shine in
to reclaim destiny,
to snatch what is urs
to shake the cosmic balance and make ur presence felt,
to live the life that u chose for urself
remember u fight the best when u have nothing to lose
remember the stars shine the brightest on the darkest night
the time is now...